Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gratitude Post #6


Just because I am grateful!

1. I am grateful for sex...


I said it...

SEX! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

2. I am grateful for learning to let it go...

it really is a process.

3. I am grateful for being reminded...

to get out of my head.

4. I am grateful for having a breakthrough about something that has been a long time coming.

5. And... I am grateful for...

going there...yes there!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gratitude Post #5


1. I am grateful to have my hubby back home from a hunting trip.

We all really missed him!

No, he did not get an Elk.

2. I am grateful for having a working washer and dryer...

so I can bless my family with clean clothes.

3. I am grateful for being able to change my thoughts and do the hard work.

4. I am grateful for being able to say to being in yucky feeling situations.

5. I am grateful for you.

Yes, YOU!

If you are reading this I am grateful for you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gratitude Post #4


1. I am grateful for a roof over my head...hoping that leak does not get worse. :)

2. I am grateful for having a stove and enough energy...

to cook my beautiful son who is working towards better health chicken noodle soup...

at almost midnight.

3. I am grateful for silent moments, and the stillness.

4. I am grateful for the ocean waves that we listen to every night.

5. I am grateful for this...for this gratitude activity.

Even on those hard days that I am tired and had a really hard day and think I am going to skip this I sit down and I am able to really feel the gratitude of so much in my life. I didn't think I was going to be able to think of five but sitting here I am able to think of so many more than five.

Can you? Yes you can!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Gratitude Post #3


1. I am grateful for technology.

There are so many ways of keeping in touch and taking care of the things that need to be taken care of. And so many ways of learning new things.

2. I am grateful for people.

The people that are there no matter what, the ones that understand and validate and listen.

3. I am grateful for my senses.

To be able to see, touch, smell, hear and taste everything around me.

4. I am grateful for one surgeons wonderful hands for doing amazing work.

And for my son to heal so beautifully and to go from one of the worst cases to they can't believe the outcome.

5. I am grateful for Niagara Falls even though this is where I almost lost my life.

Truly beautiful Falls they are so powerful almost magical in my heart and mind. When I was young I almost fell over the falls when taking a picture, no one was around and I have the picture to prove it. I felt something pull me back, pull me back over the big rail, and put me on the ground. I know I am here for a reason!

Yes, I am here! I am Alive!

Niagara Falls

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gratitude Post #2


1. I am grateful for my son whom led us to this wonderful life.

(cleft, pumping, co sleeping, surgery, sign language, AP, unconditional parenting, unschooling. and everything in between)

2. I am grateful for coffee.

(and creamer)

3. I am grateful for Mountains.

(especially Mt. St. Helen's which I was on when it blew in 1980)

4. I am grateful for my wonderful husband. :)

(It is his birthday today!)

5. I am grateful for sleep.

(Even when I wish I got more)

Dynamic Serenity

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gratitude Post #1

Doing this.....

Do whatever feels good to you, what I am going to do is post 5 things I am grateful for every Wednesday leading up to Thanksgiving.

It’s a fun tradition I hope you will share with me!

So here I go:

1. I am grateful for to be alive!

2. I am grateful for my wonderful family!

3. I am grateful for a place to live and be warm.

4. I am grateful for our health.

5. I am grateful I am loved.

People of Earth, don’t be afraid, we come in p...

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